
Fernando Reimers
Fernando M. Reimers is the Ford Foundation Professor of the Practice of International Education and Director of the Global Education Innovation Initiative and of the International Education Policy Masters Program at Harvard University. An expert in the field of Global Education, his research and teaching focus on understanding how to educate children and youth so they can thrive in the 21st century. He is a member of UNESCO’s independent commission on the Futures of Education which authored the report ‘Reimagining Our Futures Together: A new social contract for education’. He has written or edited forty-three academic books on education and several children’s books.
His most recent publications include: Education to Build Back Better
What can we Learn from Education Reform for a Post-Pandemic World,
Primary and Secondary Education during COVID-19, University and school collaborations during a pandemic, An Educational Calamity: Learning and teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic, Leading Education Through COVID-19, Education and Climate Change: the Role of Universities, Implementing Deeper Learning and 21st Century Reforms: Building an education Renaissance after a Global Pandemic, Educating Students to Improve the World, Audacious Education Purposes. How governments transform the goals of education systems, Empowering teachers to build a better world. How six nations support teachers for 21st century education.
More information about his work is available here https://fernando-reimers.gse.harvard.edu/